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Congratulations to APS Staffer Daniel Mifsud on you 299 game at Richlands last night (06/02/2025)
So Close Mate 🙂
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Well done mate. Who’s the old codger beside ya.???
Well done so close
Congratulations Daniel
Congratulations Daniel Mifsud 👏 🎳
What a bumer, so close!
Well done Daniel!! 🎳🎳
Great game Daniel shame about that 10 pin great series
Congrats Daniel 👏👏
Congrats on the same Dan! So close again.
Nice mate
nice game mate
Congratulations to APS Staffer Rob Hayter on achieving some personal goals last night in league . Rob has worked long and hard on improving his game, and theses scores show the resultsLong post incoming but stick with me,
As some of you may know i have been around ten pin bowling for as long as i remember 25+ years as a right handed bowler and i have achieved many things in my time.
Then 7 years ago life threw me a curve ball and i sustained an injury that caused me some very severe pain and i had a choice to make. If i was to stay in our great game i need to change the side i deliver the ball on YES go left handed it took me time to reprogram all the muscle memory and stuff but i gave it a shot and persisted with one handed then 2 handed delivery. Enter November last year i spoke with the brains trust at Animals ProShop and Lawrie Hill gave it to me straight if i was to return to my right hand delivery i needed to be patient and trust the process.
Well low and behold what was in the pro shop that day a 12lb black widow ghost so i took the advice of the brains trust and bought it and started to readjust myself to the right side again. During this time i was filled with self doubt and constantly asking myself why do it should i just stick with what i have been doing and continue to lose passion for the game. However after few rounds and some chatting i made the decision to return to the right hand this year even if only having 1 ball for awhile. We arrive to the year and new NXT machines at Caboolture Bowl & Mini Golf - Official and league returns and i ask Lawrie to plug some of my left handed balls and re-drill right handed yes they are 14lb but the arm was feeling good and little to no pain at all. i went into the pro shop Monday to layout the 2 balls one being the Hammer Scorpion Low Flare we decided to lay it out 85x5x60 for some control and to keep my angles more in front of me and and wow the shape it offers gave me some hope that if i just stayed patient and trusted the process i could be rolling it well.
So roll into league last night with 0 expectation and just happy to throw some games as this sport is very addictive being along side my wife Robyn Hayter in the same teams helps keep me honest as i can gauge of her whats happening most of the time and as they say the rest is history and i will let the image speak for itself.
I have some thanks that need to go to people for always giving it straight to me as i really like a direct non subtle nudge.
so huge Shoutout and Respect to the brains trust Lawrie Hill mate i know i annoy the piss out of you and i really do respect your opinion and do listen to the advice even if it appears like i dont and also massive thanks for having the faith to keep on as a Pro Shop Staffer. Thank you for putting the best equipment in my hand i can only hope i can produce more of last night and showcase the brand is it best light.
I can not express this enough if you need bowling gear from new balls and bags to just getting your gear cleaned and surfaced give Lawrie Hill at Animals ProShop a call
Also to my Wife Robyn Hayter thank you for putting up with the crabby me and the why wont this work me and the i love this game i know i can be a little rough on the edges but i really do love you and the support you offer to me you really do keep me on the ground.
All right thanks for sticking around but to achieve what i did last night is an all time personal best for EVER in career and i feel there is more to come.
#HammerBowling #hammerscorpionlowflare #animalsproshop #700series #NothingHitsLikeAHammer #apsstaff
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Great shooting! So close To 800!
Nice bowling Rob
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